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Weight Loss Management in South Africa

Are you tired of not achieving your ideal weight? Weight loss can seem so overwhelming these days with all these different diets ranging from Ketogenic, Veganism, Atkins, etc. While these diets can certainly achieve weight loss for some there is no “one size fits all”. We have all been privy to falling for these diets, but this is where Ayurvedic medicine can differ because Ayurveda customizes diet and treatment to an individual's metabolic needs. Ayurveda is not a fad but a time-tested medical system that can help you lose weight naturally by incorporating medicinal ayurvedic herbs, proper nutrition, and lifestyle changes such as intermittent fasting and yoga. For example, in a clinical trial, patients who took Triphala (an Ayurvedic polyherbal formula) for 12 weeks experienced an average weight loss of 11 pounds (approx. 4.5 kg) (1). Additionally, in various clinical studies, patients who followed an intermittent fasting regimen experienced significant weight loss (2).
In Ayurvedic medicine, due consideration has to be given to not just the symptoms you may be experiencing but rather your entire health condition. The reason for this is that obesity may be a symptom of an underlying condition such as NAFLD, PCOS, Hypothyroidism, etc. Ayurveda provides a holistic weight loss management protocol that will help restore your naturally energetic self and enrich your life with overall wellness.

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Dr. Tamlyn Govender

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A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.